The Iconic Coca-Cola Wheeling Pottery Syrup Urn
© Blaine Martin 201
The Iconic Coca-Cola Wheeling Pottery Syrup Urn
© Blaine Martin 201
A brief history of the Coca-Cola serving tray
A brief history of the Coca-Cola serving tray
A brief history of the Coca-Cola serving tray
A brief history of the Coca-Cola serving tray
A brief history of the Coca-Cola serving tray
© Blaine Martin 2014
© Blaine Martin 2014
© Blaine Martin 2014
Most of the early trays are marked with the manufacturer name along the inside of the rim of the tray.

Most of the early trays are marked with the manufacturer name along the inside of the rim of the tray.

Most of the early trays are marked with the manufacturer name along the inside of the rim of the tray.

The Decade of the 1920's
A Timeline of Events in the History of Coca-Cola

The Thomas Company, one of the two parent bottlers, files suit on April 14th against the Coca-Cola Company over Woodruff and Dobb's cancellation of the syrup price agreement with the Parent Bottlers.
The world sugar market collapses and leaves the company holding contracts for millions of dollars of overpriced sugar.
Due to himself having a lack of true authority within the new Woodruff management structure, Dobbs resigns from the presidency of the Coca-Cola Company. Howard Candler returns as president.
The judge rules in favor of the Parent Companies holding that their syrup contract with Candler was perpetual. The Coca-Cola Company could not pass on the higher price of sugar to its bottlers.
The United States Supreme Court begins arguments about whether the company can protect its trademark against imitators. Coca-Cola's legal rights to the trademark are upheld a month later.
The Coca-Cola Company and the parent companies agree to slightly raise the cost of syrup - a long term benefit was seen for both parties by stabilizing the business.
​Yearly sales reach $28.5 million.
Ernest Woodruff heads up a clandestine group of southern investors and forms a holding company that acquires enough stock to hold a voting majority.
April 28
Robert Woodruff, son of Ernest Woodruff becomes president of the Coca-Cola Company.
Haddon Sundblom paints his first canvas for Coca-Cola.
Harrison Jones, sales vice-president, pro-claims at the bottlers meeting, "the cash register rang two billion, four hundred million times in 1924 because of Coca-Cola".
Woodruff becomes president of the White Motor Company, after the death of his long time friend, Walter White. He remains president of the Coca-Cola Company as well.
The depression begins with the Black Thursday stock market crash. The stock price dipped during the crash but quickly rebounded with the year ending with an increase in sales and profits.
​"The Pause that Refreshes" is introduced in the Saturday Evening Post.